Dr Seidel snacks to boost immunity

The only dog snack on the market enriched with ß-1,3/1,6-D-glucan and Omega 3 in quantities corresponding to diet supplements. ß-1,3/1,6-D-glucan boosts natural immunity against infections, helps the regeneration and healing processes, and shortens the period of convalescence. Omega 3 stimulates natural defence mechanisms protecting against inflammatory processes.

They are especially recommended during periods of reduced immunity and in convalescence.
small dogs <5 kg

  • 1-2 pcs/day
medium dogs <10 kg

  • 3-4 pcs/day
large dogs >10 kg

  • 5-8 pcs/day
1 snack contains:

  • pure Betaglucan – 2,5 mg
  • Omega 3 (source: fish oil) – 72 mg
Wholemeal wheat flour, brewer’s yeast, cornflour, cell walls of yeast (Saccharomyces, a source of betaglucans), animal fats, dried animal meat, hydrolysed animal meat.
Handy, standable packaging with a string closure.

Product for animals only. Store in a dry place at room temperature.

We recommend

immunity booster paste

with lecithin

on damaged skin