XIX Workshops of the Dermatology Section of PSLWMZ

XIX Workshops of the Dermatology Section of PSLWMZ

We invite you to visit our booth during the XIX Workshops of the Dermatology Section of PSLWMZ!

The XIX Workshops of the Dermatology Section of PSLWMZ will take place from March 7th to 9th, 2025, in Ustroń. This year’s event is titled “Dermatology in French.” The workshop will feature renowned veterinary dermatology specialists, including Prof. Marie-Christine Cadiergues and Eric Guaguère.

The program also includes sessions dedicated to cytology, led by Dr. Maciej Guzera and Dr. Agnieszka Cekiera. Additionally, the pre-conference microscopy workshops will provide an excellent opportunity to expand practical knowledge.

We encourage you to visit our booth! It will be a great chance to explore our latest products and solutions supporting the skin and coat health of animals.

See you in Ustroń!

13 March 2025